French Revolution Scrapbook Project
Students will create their own scrapbook, physically or digitally, on the French Revolution. Storytelling is the oldest form of education. People around the world have always told tales as a way of passing down cultural beliefs, traditions, and history to future generations. Storytelling, the process of constructing stories in the mind, is one of the most fundamental ways of making meaning.
You will be writing and creating a scrapbook on the events of the French Revolution. You will create your own character. You must create a character that would have lived during the time of the French Revolution. Give them a name and make sure to show which estate they are from through your images and journal entries. Your journal entries should tell the reader about the event from the perspective of your character. Each journal entry should be at least half a page long. The journal entries in your scrap book need to be in chronological order, your character has not cracked the space-time continuum.
Your Scrapbook project will contain the following features:
- Historical Accuracy
- First person narrative
- Creativity- Scrapbook Project Guide
- A visually appealing front cover with an appropriate title, your character’s name, and your character’s estate
Sections on each of the following events:
o Introduction on the conditions of France in the later 1780’s
o The Meeting of the Estates Generalo The Tennis Court Oath
o The Storming of the Bastilleo Women’s March on Versailles
o King Louis XVI’s execution
o The Reign of Terroro The Rise of Napoleon and Creation of an Empire
o Napoleon’s Empire Collapses
o The Congress of Vienna