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Climate Change: Getting The World To Agree

Lesson Overview: A Prezi presentation has been prepared with text, photos, and videos to engage students when learning about environmental issues. Each student with receive an environmental article on the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference from Issue 4 of the "What In The World?" subscription. Students will read each paragraph aloud, the teach will stop and create a discussion with the class, with assistance from the prezi, on what the paragraph said, meant, and any thoughts or opinions the students had.

Students are engaged in this multimedia lesson, thinking about how they can reconnect with nature, become environmental stewards, as well as responsible citizens who respect the environment. The prezi presentation included humorous pictures and comics, some including biblical references, to promote learning for spatial learners. Once the reading of the article and discussions were concluded he students were expected to read and answer questions, using full sentences, based on the article. Multiple learning styles, such as spatial, auditory-musical, and linguistic, were accommodated in this lesson plan through discussion of photos, watching of videos, and reading and answering written questions.


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